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Monday, February 1, 2010

Sugar Scrub!

The Best Sugar Scrub Recipe EVER!

Almond Oil 5 oz.

Avocado Oil 5 oz.

Glycerin .3 oz.

Liquid Soap Base 3 oz.

Sugar 21.4 oz.

Fragrance Oil or Essential Oil .3 oz

Just mix everything thing together! What is so wonderful about this scrub you ask? The oils don't separate.

Yield: approximately 32 oz. of scrub or four 8 oz. jars.

Package your sugar scrub in these jars for a perfect gift!

Sugar Scrub kits  for the above recipe are also available. Your kit includes all of the above ingredients (premeasured) and jars for packaging. Check them out at our Artfire Shop!


Unknown said...

This looks like a really nice scrub recipe!

MrsJenB said...

I found you @ The Girl Creative - I love this! Where would I find these oils, at a health store or online? I definitely am looking for a more natural scrub to use instead of what I'm using now.

Thanks for sharing this!

Unknown said...

Aw, Sugar scrubs are great and they leave your skin feeling so soft. And, decadent!!!! Thanks for the recipe. :-)

ALBOS said...

We are glad you like the Sugar Scrub Recipe! You can find the ingredients at our Artfire Store at

Cottage Dreamers said...

I've always wanted to try making a sugar scrub. I hear they're wonderful! I'll have to try this!
☺ Celeste